My Recommendations


Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek's - TED Talk 

Start with why - How Great Leaders Inspire Action 

Simon's talk is one of the Top 25 TED Talks of all time with over 41, 997, 062 views. 

Also read Simon's book of the same title 

Start With WHY

Usher's New Look which is an organization that helps teens find their "spark", or passion, & live purpose-driven lives. In this video from our Signature Event, author, optimist & TED celebrity, Simon Sinek, gives 5 rules to follow as you find your spark! Invest in Usher's New Look program to help more teens find their spark. Donate Here

These are the 6 Rules that I try to follow each day

Simon Sinek's - Why Leaders Eat Last

In his work with organizations around the world, Simon Sinek noticed that some teams trust each other so deeply that they would literally put their lives on the line for each other. Other teams, no matter what incentives are offered, are doomed to infighting, fragmentation and failure. Why?

The answer became clear during a conversation with a Marine Corps general. Leader Eat Last 

"What are YOU Doing to HELP the PERSON Next to YOU?" - Simon Sinek (Deadliest Catch)

Tony Hsieh Zappos CEO & Author of "Delivering Happiness"

Tony Hsieh's Top 10 Rules For Success

1. Chase the vision, not the money 

2. Hire the right people

3. Let your customers do marketing for you

4. Think long term

5. Do thought experiments 

7. Have self-confidence 

8. Celebrate each person's individuality

9. Maximize customer experience

10. Just be happy

Tony Hsieh - 

The Mastermind of 'Delivering Happiness'

(ABC News)

and the Ferguson Downtown Project

in Las Vegas 

Fergusons Downtown WebSite

Fergusons Downtown Video 

Jason Fried - Ted Talk

Jason Fried has a radical theory of working: that the office isn't a good place to do it. He calls out the two main offenders (call them the M&Ms) and offers three suggestions to make the workplace actually work.

Sir Ken Robinson

Do schools kill creativity? Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

Brené Brown

Dr. Brené Brown is a researcher professor at the University of Houston, Graduate College of Social Work, where she has spent the past ten years studying a concept that she calls Wholeheartedness, posing the questions: How do we engage in our lives from a place of authenticity and worthiness? How do we cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection that we need to embrace our imperfections and to recognize that we are enough -- that we are worthy of love, belonging and joy? Visit Brené Brown Site

Kirk Weisler - Chief Moral Officer

I had the pleasure of meeting Kirk at a Pink Elephant Conference many Years ago and have stayed in contact with him since.  Like Simon Sinek and Tony Hsieh Kirk is very authentic and just an amazing human being. His creativity in working with a group is unmatched and I would recommend everyone read his book about "POOP".  I hope that one day I am able to be in the same room as Simon, Tony and Kirk or even better a VIP Tour of Zappos and Fergusons Downtown

Please visit Kirk's Site for more info,